English, Deutsch, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, CzechGeneral information
Mykola Pavlov joined Ukriniurkoleguia in 2000, and in 2009 he was elected Managing Partner of Ukriniurkoleguia.
Mykola Pavlov heads the Department of Civil Law and Legal Support to Citizens and coordinates the activities of the Department of Business Law of Ukriniurkoleguia.
Mykola Pavlov is the foremost expert of Ukriniurkoleguia in the fields of legal protection of migrant workers, as well as collection of compensations, pensions, insurance and social benefits. Mr. Pavlov has comprehensive experience of field work in the countries with considerable concentration of Ukrainian migrant workers in order to provide legal advice to our citizens. He also often participates in the working meetings with the staff of the Ukrainian Consulates and Embassies regarding the protection of legitimate rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens abroad.
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of International Relations, International Law, 2001
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, 1998
- Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, 2010
- Honorary distinction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine of the third degree, 2008
- Winner of the Second professional competition "Lawyers-2004" in the "International Human Rights Protection" nomination
- Winner of All-Ukrainian "Lawyer of the Year 2007" contest in the "Barrister" nomination
- Anniversary medal "20 Years of Ukrainian Independence", 2011
- Order of St Archistratigus Michael, 2013
Membership in Organizations:
- Deputy Head of the Public Council under the State Registration Service of Ukraine
- Member of the Public Council under the State Migration Service of Ukraine
- Member of the Ukrainian American Bar Association
- Member of the World Jurist Association
- Member of the Ukrainian-Polish Partnership Forum
- Member of "Volynske Bratstvo" International Charity Association
English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, CzechGeneral information
Tamara Klimenko has been working in Ukriniurkoleguia since 1981, and in 2003 she was elected vice-president of Ukriniurkoleguia.
For 30 years Tamara Klimenko has been handling estate matters in the U.S. and Canada, the Balkan countries, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia and other countries.
Tamara Klimenko heads the Estate Law Department, coordinating the work of all regional sections working on Ukriniurkoleguia's estate matters, as well as supervising the work of the Family Law Department of Ukriniurkoleguia.
Tamara Klimenko has extensive experience of participation in the hearings of foreign probate courts, representation of foreign citizens in the courts of Ukraine. She is also the head expert in the field of preparing the legal documents obtained or drafted by Ukriniurkoleguia for use abroad.
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Law, 1980
- Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, 2003
English, Russian, UkrainianGeneral information
Pavlo Kiyko has been working in Ukriniurkoleguia since December 1990. In September 1992, he was one of the founding members of the Specialized Bar Association of "Ukriniurkoleguia".
For nearly 20 years, Mr. Kiyko has been working on the estate matters of U.S. and Canadian origin, and coordinates the bulk of the estate files handled by Ukriniurkoleguia, heading the Canada Section. He has comprehensive experience of participation in the hearings of foreign probate courts, and advises on the inheritance legislation of Canada and the USA.
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Law, 1992
Polish, Russian, UkrainianGeneral information
Mr. Chyzhmar has been working in the Western Ukrainian Bureau of Ukriniurkoleguia since April 1981, and 1993 he was appointed Head of the mentioned Bureau. In 2004 Mr. Chyzhmar was elected Managing Partner of Ukriniurkoleguia.
For 17 years Ivan Chyzhmar has been managing the most important regional subdivision of Ukriniurkoleguia that geographically covers three regions of Ukraine - Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk, where due to historical factors the main centers of the migration processes of prewar and postwar periods were focused and which since independence have become the source for the new Ukrainian labor migration to Europe.
Mr. Chyzhmar is responsible for handling all matters of Ukriniurkoleguia related to the targeted region and coordinates the other offices of Ukriniurkoleguia in Western Ukraine.
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Law
- Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, 2004
- Honorary distinction of the High Council of Justice, 2012
Russian, Ukrainian, SlovakGeneral information
Ms. Bondarenko has been working in the Transcarpathian Bureau of Ukriniurkoleguia since April 1985. In 1992 she was appointed Head of the Transcarpathian Bureau.
For 20 years Maria Bondarenko has been managing an important subdivision of Ukriniurkoleguia, responsible for the original multinational region of Transcarpathia, mostly comprised of border area, where frequent alterations of Transcarpathia territorial affiliation in the twentieth century led to several waves of migration to the Central and Western Europe, as well as to the North America.
Maria Bondarenko is responsible for handling all matters of Ukriniurkoleguia associated with this region.
- National Yaroslav Mudryi Law Academy of Ukraine, Kharkiv
Deutsch, Russian, UkrainianGeneral information
Natalia Kuchakovska has been working in Ukriniurkoleguia since October 1977.
Ms. Kuchakovska is the principal expert of Ukriniurkoleguia in the field of probate law of the Middle East and Russia, who coordinates the handling of estate matters with regard to these regions as well as advices on probate and family law of the relevant countries.
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Law, 1987
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Foreign Languages, 1977
- Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, 2009
English, Russian, UkrainianGeneral information
Yulia Semenova has been working in Ukriniurkoleguia since 1997.
Yulia Semenova handles estate matters related to the USA and Canada, coordinates the USA Section, has considerable experience of participation in the hearings of the American probate courts.
Yulia Semenova is the top expert of Ukriniurkoleguia in the field of U.S. probate law, coordinates the work on the estate matters in this country, provides legal advice and opinions on inheritance and family law of the USA.
- Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Law, 2003
- Kyiv State Linguistic University, 1999
English, French, Russian, UkrainianGeneral information
Volodymyr Semenchenko started his work with Ukriniurkoleguia in 1979, but two years later he devoted himself to diplomatic career, having eventually returned to Ukriniurkoleguia in 1998.
Volodymyr Semenchenko is a leading expert in the field of probate law of Great Britain, France and Belgium, he coordinates handling of probate matters in these countries, advises on probate and family law of the relevant countries.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of International Relations and International Law, 1979
English, French, Russian, UkrainianGeneral information
Natalia Soroka joined the Western Ukrainian Office of Ukriniurkoleguia in 1993.
Natalia Soroka is engaged in the handling of probate matters in France and Belgium of targeted region and is the leading expert of the Western Ukrainian Bureau of Ukriniurkoleguia in the preparation of legal documents in English and French for probate courts and other foreign institutions in charge, as well as for foreign notaries.
Ms. Soroka is also involved in the preparation of matters for court proceedings in the Western Ukraine and provides representation during court sessions.
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Special Legal Department
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Foreign Languages
Russian, UkrainianGeneral information
Olha Urdiuk joined the Western Ukrainian Office of Ukriniurkoleguia in 1989.
Olha Urdiuk is engaged in handling of probate research of matters, associated with the Ukrainian historic region of Galicia, including identification and tracing of heirs, obtaining archival records and registry office documents, verification of existence of foreign estate matters.
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Law
English, Italian, Russian, UkrainianGeneral information
Olha Karavan joined Ukriniurkoleguia in 2005.
Olha Karavan pertains to the rapid response team of Ukriniurkoleguia, which is engaged in the settlement of cases involving legal protection of migrant workers, collection of compensation, pension, and social insurance payments. In particular, she is responsible for the matters related to Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Turkey.
- Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Faculty of Law
- Kyiv National Linguistic University