The Oldest Ukrainian Advocacy
80 Years of Trust and World Reputation
Ukrainian Bar Association for Foreign Affairs

Department of Civil Law and Legal Support to Citizens

Ukriniurkoleguia’s important statutory mission is to protect the rights of Ukrainian individuals abroad and of foreigners in Ukraine. Activity of the Department of Civil Law and Legal Support to Citizens is aimed at the accomplishment of this mission.

In the first place, the Department deals with the protection of Ukrainian citizens’ rights and legitimate interests in foreign jurisdictions. In this context, the Department’s important task is prevention of our compatriots’ discrimination in foreign countries by public authorities, as well as by particular private persons or legal entities.

In its activity the Department of Civil Law and Legal Support to Citizens pays significant attention to the protection of the rights and interests of vulnerable categories of persons: children, elderly persons, persons with disabilities, representatives of national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, etc.

A particular place in the activity of the Department of Civil Law and Legal Support to Citizens belongs to the protection of the rights of Ukrainian migrant workers. This task is performed by the Department in close cooperation with the consular institutions of Ukraine under the Memorandum on Cooperation in Legal Protection of Ukrainian Citizens Abroad, signed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.